How to lose weight in a month: exercise and diet programs

To lose weight in a month without harming your health, you need to work hard on yourself. The 30-day program not only includes avoiding unhealthy foods, but also making a full transition to diet.

In addition, physical activity is essential in this case. This applies not only to ordinary walking or cycling, swimming in the pool, but also to a number of special exercises that can be done at home. In order to withstand a diet and great physical activity in order to achieve harmony, additional psychological preparation is recommended.

Ways to lose weight

When choosing a method for losing weight, it is necessary to consider age, financial standing, occupation, general condition of the body and other factors.


Subscriptions to fitness clubs and gyms are not required. Workouts are done at home.

The diet should be inexpensive but healthy products: eggs, vegetables, muesli, cottage cheese, fish, chicken.

No sports nutrition required.

The downside of the method is that it doesn't work for losing weight quickly - it only takes up to 6 kg per month, but at the same time it burns fats with no significant impact on the body.


The focus of the program is on heavy physical exercise. Workouts that use special equipment are usually done in the gym.

Fat is removed quickly and efficiently - you can lose up to 10 kg in the first month. However, you need to consider the likelihood of injury.


The method involves the minimal amount of exercise that is done at home, as well as reducing the amount of junk food that is consumed.


A person is in a state of trance and special attitudes are imprinted that contribute to weight loss.

The procedure works for most people, but there is a chance that depression will develop. The main disadvantage is the lack of an individual approach and high cost.

Lose weight for men and women

When losing weight, keep in mind that male and female organisms are different. In the stronger sex, fat is deposited more on the upper abdomen and in half of humanity - not in the lower area. This is due to hormone levels. Men's beer belly is a lot easier to shed than shedding the pounds on your hips and sides.

When losing weight, keep in mind that men need more calories because they have more muscle, which means that every exercise results in more energy expenditure. For this reason, a minimum of 1500 kcal is required for men and 1200 kcal for women. If there is training, the norm is 1700 and 2000 kcal.

The standards for safe weight loss also vary. For women it is 0. 2 to 0. 5 kg per week (2 kg per month) and for men 0. 2 to 1 kg per week (up to 4 kg per month). In other words, men are allowed to lose weight twice faster.


To achieve a slim figure, physical activity is required. Some of the essential exercises for removing excess fat from the body include the following exercises.

Squats without weights


  1. Assume a starting position: bend your knees slightly, cross your arms in front of your chest or behind your head.
  2. Slowly lower yourself and bend your knees as if you were sitting in a chair.
  3. When the angle is 900, return to the starting position.


Exercise weight loss plank every month

To do the following:

  1. Position yourself on the floor so that you support yourself on your feet and elbows.
  2. Lengthen the upper body.
  3. Stand in this position as long as possible.


The following is required for correct execution:

  1. Lie on your left side.
  2. Straighten your legs. Leave your left leg behind your right.
  3. Place your left forearm directly under your shoulder. The left arm is bent at the elbow - it is necessary to lean on it and put weight on all the muscles of the body.
  4. In this position, pull your left leg to your chest, hold it down for a few seconds and return to the starting position.

Do the same on the other side.

Lunge steps without load

To run it, do the following:

  1. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keep your hands on your hips.
  3. Jump forward with the knee of the hind leg almost reaching the ground. The knee of the front leg should be no further than the toe. Keep your back straight and your leg bent at an even 90-degree angle without protruding too far or too close.
  4. Straighten yourself, pull your hind leg towards your front leg and stand in the starting position.

Do the same with the other foot in front.

Buttocks bridge (pelvic lift)

To do the following:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Put your hands on the sides of your body.
  3. Bend your legs at the knees and place your feet on the floor, placing them shoulder-width apart.
  4. Raise your pelvis and rest with your heels on the floor. Be careful not to squeeze the gluteal muscles.
  5. Raise the pelvis as much as possible and hold it in this position for a few seconds, then gently lower it.

Swing back

To do the following:

  1. Get on your knees and bend your lower back.
  2. Stretch out your arms in front of you.
  3. Bend your knee so that the leg forms an angle of 900 °.
  4. Raise your right leg, knee level with your back.
  5. Tense the glutes.
  6. Return smoothly to the starting position.
  7. Repeat with the other leg.

Classic fuselage lift

To do the following:

  1. Lie on your back and press your lower back to the floor.
  2. Bend your legs slightly at the knees.
  3. Keep your hands on your chest or behind your head. Your elbows should be spread apart.
  4. Bend your torso, straighten your chin, and then lift your shoulders. At this point the abdominal muscles are stressed as much as possible.
  5. Tear your upper body off the floor, but that's not necessary - just the head and shoulders are enough. After the maximum stress point, you need to return to the starting position.



  1. Lie on the floor and bend your knees.
  2. Keep your feet on the ground.
  3. Cross your arms over your chest or hold them behind your head.
  4. Lift up a little and turn the body; At this point the shoulders extend to the pelvis.
  5. Return smoothly to the starting position.



  1. Lie on your back and stretch out your arms.
  2. Keep your legs together and squeeze them together.
  3. Raise them 30 cm.
  4. Raise the top of the body to the same height. As a result, the body should only rest on the buttocks.
  5. After 8 seconds, lower your limbs and relax. Back to the starting position.

Hip adduction

To do the following:

  1. Lie on your side and lean against your elbow. Keeping the leg that is closer to the floor straight, bend the other at the knee and lay it back.
  2. Hold this position for 3 seconds and relax.
  3. After repetitions, do the same thing on the other side.

Push-ups on one leg


  1. Sit on the floor as with the plank exercise, but you shouldn't be propping yourself on your elbows, but on your palms. The hands are straight.
  2. Place one foot on the toe with the center of gravity on the floor and the other on top.
  3. Lower your body down and bend your elbows. The back and legs should be kept straight. Climb. Approaches should be made with support on the other leg.


The starting position is the same as for push-ups:

  1. Bend your right leg and pull it to your chest.
  2. Put your toe on the floor and keep moving until you return to the starting position.
  3. Do the same with the other leg.



  1. Sit on the floor and spread your legs to the side, bend at the knees.
  2. Connect the feet and secure them with your hands.
  3. Gradually try to get both knees on the floor. You can help with your hands. The back should always be flat.



  1. Sit on a mat and bring your feet together.
  2. Pull your knees up to your chest and pull your body together into a ball.
  3. Tilt your head as close to your knees as possible.
  4. Grasp your shins firmly with your hands, tear your feet off the floor and try to keep them balanced by only leaning on your buttocks.
  5. Roll yourself gently onto your back.

Michael's Jillian monthly weight loss

Good exercise programs are offered by Michaels Gillian, an American fitness guru. The main technique is rapid interval training that is done at home. The trainer has already created courses in the form of video courses for both systemic weight loss and individual body parts so that you do not have to combine different exercises yourself.

The program of your author "Slim figure in 30 days" includes 25-minute training units. You have 5 minutes to warm up, the rest of the time for strength exercises, cardio exercises and pumping the press.

Basics of nutrition

To see the results of losing weight after a month, you need not only to exercise regularly, but also to eat right.

Experts recommend the following:

  • Monitor your diet.It should be fractionated, that is, it is recommended to eat in small portions, but often - 5-6 times a day. Of these, 3 are considered main courses and the rest are just snacks.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.Dishes should be steamed, you can bake and cook in the oven. Fried foods should be thrown away completely.
  • Monitor your drinking regime.At least 1. 5 liters of fluid should be consumed per day. in hot weather, the rate increases by about half a liter.
  • Arrange a fasting day every 1-2 weeks.At this point, use only water (normal and mineral), a decoction of wild rose, mint, lemon balm and chamomile. In addition, low-fat kefir is allowed - up to 1 liter.

It should be noted that not all products are allowed to eat. Exclude from the menu:

  • oily fish;
  • fatty meat, lard, smoked meat, sausages, offal;
  • fat sour cream and cream, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • margarine, mayonnaise, various fatty sauces;
  • canned food;
  • peanuts, cashews, sunflower seeds;
  • butter;
  • chocolate;
  • Sugar, canned food, jams, cakes and other confectionery, cookies, pastries;
  • ice cream;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol.

It is recommended to include vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries and cereals in the diet. Lean meat and fish are allowed, as are dairy products. Vegetable oil is possible, but not more than 1 tbsp. l. during the day.

Buckwheat diet

The main product of such a diet is buckwheat porridge, but it should not be cooked in the usual way, but rather by steaming. This requires:

  1. Take a glass of muesli for 2, 5 glasses of hot water.
  2. Insist all night and only eat your breakfast in the morning.

It is also recommended to drink 1 liter of kefir per day. If such a strict diet is not suitable, then it is allowed to add fresh vegetables and fruits, vegetables.


Also, to lose weight, nutritionists recommend eating foods that are typical of where a person lives. As a result, the essence of the diet is that you need to eat traditional dishes of national cuisine.

At the same time, you should limit the use of salt, sugar and sweets, animal fats, spices, pickles and smoked meat. Meals should be four times a day. Drinking alcohol is prohibited.

5-part diet

According to this system, you need to drink a cup of black coffee in the morning and take vitamin complexes. For lunch and dinner, 5 pieces of a product (including fast food and chocolate bars) may be eaten, but the size should not be more than one bite. One serving looks like this: 5 pieces of hamburgers, the same number of apple and carrot pieces.

Make sure you have protein meals every day. A small piece of cheese is a good snack.